Monday, February 5, 2007

A Hockey Weekend

So Brian and I spent the weekend in Chicago for hockey playoffs. Affton (that is the club that Brian coaches for) took all 7 of their teams to the league playoffs. It was bitter cold and very windy but his team came out on top. The Midget Minors took first place. I am so proud of my hubby and his team. Soon they will be on to playing for the state championship and then hopefully regionals and nationals. Brian loves his team and we had a lot of fun this weekend. The hotel was packed with hockey players and families and I got to spend some time with Brian's team from last year too, they were the boys that were part of Brian's proposal. All in all it was a great weekend, except for the ride home. I got sick twice, I think it was something I ate, but the mom's joked that I might be pregnant. Haha, what a funny joke, but I am feeling a lot better today. On a another note, Wednesday is my first subbing job at Oakville High School, I am a little nervous but very excited. Have a great week.

Coach Brian and some of his players
They scored and Brian likes to celebrate

1 comment:

KatieS. said...

Congrats on your job(s)! How exciting! I loved seeing the pics of your house, it looks so cute!! Very nice. Take care. love, katie