Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Happy Birthday Nana

On Sunday we went over Brian's parents house for Nana's 70th birthday celebration. We grilled out and enjoyed the weather. I am still getting used to being in a big family. Back home birthday celebrations consisted of about 15 people at the most, but Brian's family is huge. There were almost 40 people at my in-laws house and still some family members were missing. But I have to admit that there is never a dull moment, always lots going on and lots of people to hang out with. Later that night I traveled to East Alton with Brian to watch his hockey team play. They won 12 to 0 and are now the State Champs of Missouri. Regionals are this week and if they come out on top then they will go to Nationals in Michigan!!! We are hoping for the best...Go Affton!!!
Nana and Papa Brawley

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