Brian talking to one of the refs before the game started
Monday, March 19, 2007
We are going to Nationals
Well Brian's hockey team won all four of their games this weekend at Regionals which means they are the Champions and we are headed to Nationals!! Nationals is in Fraser, Michigan (close to my Toledo buddies) at the end of March. I am so happy for my husband and the team. Nationals is a once in a life time opportunity, our Affton team is one of 12 teams from across the country that will be at this tournament. So exciting!!! And I guess all that is left to say is Go Affton!!
St. Patty's Day
Saturday was St. Patrick's Day and Brian had to work, so some friends and I decided to venture downtown to the parade. It was in the mid 70's earlier this week, however on Saturday we experienced snow flurries, therefore making it freezing at the parade. We all still had a good time though and then afterward I got introduced to Gus's pretzels. A famous pretzel shop in St. Louis, they were so good. Later that night we went over Kevin and Donna Bryne's house (Jason's parents) for an Irish dinner and lots of basketball games. It was nice to just sit around and relax, especially since it was so cold outside.
Jill and Chase at the parade
Chase with his St. Patty's Day beads watching the parade
They had four different parachuters land on the grass right across the street from us,
Chase man was being playing with my sun glasses in the car,
he just looked so cute I couldn't resist
it was so cool to watch them drop from the sky
'Uncle Jason' and Chase watching the parachuters.
Chase learned a new word, "Woah" he said all afternoon about the things in the parade
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Spring is almost here
So this week has been a good one so far. The weather has been so nice and Mehlville, the school district that I sub in is on Spring break. I have enjoyed my week off, lots of cleaning and organizing for the garage sale that we are having in a few weeks. It always seems to amaze me how many clothes I have but that I don't out my closet is never a fun task. Anyway last night Brian and I had dinner over at Dan and Holly's. (Dan is the guy who married us) We ate and played games, it was nice to spend some time with them and their two kids, Mackenzie and Grant. Oh and the best news is I got a summer job today. I am going to be the pool manager for the Crestwood Swim Club. It is a small community pool, very family oriented and they have a swim team too!! I am going to be the pool manager and swim lesson coordinator. I am very happy being around a pool all summer excites me. You can check out their website if you want:
Well that is it for now, Regionals for Brian's hockey team start tonight, so Go Affton!!
Well that is it for now, Regionals for Brian's hockey team start tonight, so Go Affton!!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Happy Birthday Nana
On Sunday we went over Brian's parents house for Nana's 70th birthday celebration. We grilled out and enjoyed the weather. I am still getting used to being in a big family. Back home birthday celebrations consisted of about 15 people at the most, but Brian's family is huge. There were almost 40 people at my in-laws house and still some family members were missing. But I have to admit that there is never a dull moment, always lots going on and lots of people to hang out with. Later that night I traveled to East Alton with Brian to watch his hockey team play. They won 12 to 0 and are now the State Champs of Missouri. Regionals are this week and if they come out on top then they will go to Nationals in Michigan!!! We are hoping for the best...Go Affton!!!
It feels like Spring
This past weekend the weather here was great, we just had to play outside. So we went to the park with Jill, Chase, Hillary, and Jason. Yes we had 5 adults to one child, but it was still lots of fun. Chase man played on the slide and the boys played catch.
Chase on the slide
Hillary and Jason brought Jersey to the park to and we all took a walk together
Later that night we went back to Jason and Hillary's and cooked out. We made kabobs on the grill and played catch phrase. Jason's parents stopped over for a little bit too and they brought us Dairy Queen for desert!!
'Uncle Brian' was tickling Chase man and he was laughing so hard
Monday, March 5, 2007
Toledo Visit
While Brian and I were in Ohio, we were able to take a day trip to Toledo and visit with friends. On Saturday we drove up and spent the afternoon with Heather and David. We had lunch at one of my favorite restaurants, Buffalo Wild Wings (Yum!!) After lunch we just hung out and caught up on the latest news in our lives. It was so great to see Heather and David, hopefully we can get them to visit St. Louis sometime soon. We also got the chance to see Julie, Katie, and Laura. It was a quick visit but I got to hold the babies and see Katie try on one of the wedding dresses that she likes.
David and I with little Owen, isn't he so cute.
Visit to Ohio
This past weekend Brian and I visited family and friends in Ohio. It was great to see everyone and I loved seeing the big piles of snow that are still around. Did I mention that it was mid 50's and sunny today in St. Louis, with no snow at all. Anyway this weekend gave Brian and I a chance to relax, on Friday I took him ice skating at the Mentor Ice Rink. We had a good time, except that Brian wasn't too excited to skate with figure skates, but he was a trooper.
Below is a picture of Brian and I with my Aunt Sue, Uncle Anthony, and cousins Anthony and Nick.
Brian and his sister-in-law Jacki (they are so alike it is scary sometimes)
Here is me and Missy, she came over to visit for a little bit too!!
Oh yeah and after the fam left a bunch of friends came over and we played Mexican Train (I did not even win sister Jacki did and she got to press the really cool train button) We also played twister, which we found out is not as easy as it used to be when we were kids. But oh well it was still a great night of fun with our friends.
Car accident
Yes, it happened. As you can see from the picture below Jeni got in a car accident last week. Luckily no one was hurt, just some damage to my car. I guess God is trying to get me to slow down, I think I might start listening.
In other news, subbing has finally picked up. I actually got to sub almost everyday last week and I subbed a half day today. I love it, a different school everyday and no lesson planning at night. Right now I am also in the process of interviewing for summer pool jobs, I have an interview on Wednesday, so keep me in your prayers. Brian is doing well, March is a big hockey month, with Regionals in two weeks and then possibly Nationals after that. Go Affton!!
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