Last week we went to the doctors for a weight check. Matt is 13 weeks and weighs 10lbs 1oz, he is growing but is still a little guy. Enjoy the random photos... we think they are cute.
Such a happy baby
Talking to Grandma Nancy
Future Coot Golfer... (the logo on the bib is from Grandpa KG's golf league)
Grandma Nancy calls this THE FACE
These flowers made going back to work a little easier... I love my husband
My boys taking a nap after a long day
Aunt Jacki made a quick stop in St Louis for work so we made sure we spent some time with her. She was very excited to see Matty again.
Awesome bib, Matt !!
Glad things are going well since you went back to work Jeni.
LOVE that smile in the first pic, so darn cute! It's so hard to leave them at first, you miss them soooooo much, but it gets easier :)
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