Monday, August 31, 2009

Sleeping Like a Baby...

I am not so sure I agree with the phrase, "I slept like a baby" anymore. Well at least not my baby. Matt is great at sleeping when someone is holding him, but not so much on his own is his crib, but we are working on it. I just had to post these photos though, because they make me laugh. He is sleeping in all of them, the reality is that he doesn't really sleep that much.

Out after a long night...
Father-Son nap time, one of Matt's favorite places to sleep
Matty went to Daddy's hockey practice the other day in his Affton outfit
Check out my big boy outfit... still sleeping though

1 comment:

KatieS. said...

oh boy do i know how you feel! macina was the WORST sleeper in the world! I could never put her down or she'd wake right up crying! Sleep deprivation is the worst. Just wanted to let ya know your not alone honey! hang in there, it gets better.