Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Random Photos

Life in the Gardner house has definitely changed. Matt is doing well, we went to the doctor's about a week ago and he was 7lbs 15oz, he is growing. We introduced a bottle so that Daddy could help with some feedings and Matt did great, which Mommy loves because that means she can take a bit of a break. Sleeping at night has been an issue, but we are working on it. Picked up a book (Babywise) recommended by a friend and hoping to apply the techniques.
On a different note, despite that Matt decided to come early, I finished my Master's degree. I am officially done with the Character Education program and have my Master's from Lindenwood University. I am super excited to finally be done. School started today for my students, but I will not be returning until mid-October. Brian is back at work and things are in full swing at Maryville. Classes start next week and hockey started up too. Busy, busy. We are also looking forward to some Ohio visitors in the next few weeks, but for now enjoy the random photos.
Swinging the days away
Out like a light
Matt's favorite place to sleep... how nice
He loves his hands and they are always in his face
Daddy hanging up some pictures of Matt... they look really good
Father and son taking a nap...looks like Daddy got tired of holding the bink
I'm just chillen
Sound asleep...but trying to burp


KatieS. said...

aw jeni he is so adorable!! he is perfect like a baby doll! Good luck with the sleep thing! Swaddling and white noise (think Loud Fan) helped us.

KatieS. said...

oh yeah and congrats on your masters!!!!