I am not so sure I agree with the phrase, "I slept like a baby" anymore. Well at least not my baby. Matt is great at sleeping when someone is holding him, but not so much on his own is his crib, but we are working on it. I just had to post these photos though, because they make me laugh. He is sleeping in all of them, the reality is that he doesn't really sleep that much.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
1 Month Old and growing
Hard to believe Matt is already a month old. He is growing so fast and make so many funny faces. Here are a few and two short videos.
How big is Matt... "SO BIG"
This video is so funny... like Father like Son.
Visitors from Ohio
My sisters flew in for a few days from Ohio to visit. It was their first time seeing Matty and they loved every minute of it. I really enjoyed it too, I had two live in babysitters. It was sad to see them go, but we will be traveling to Ohio in September for a visit.
Aunt Jamie and Matty
Aunt Jacki and Matt
Matt is becoming more and more alert... he is starting to notice faces and turn his head when we talk. His eyes are open more and he is able to focus on things. No official smiles yet, just gassy faces, but hopefully soon.
Jacki and me at lunch
Brian and Jamie
No trip to St Louis is ever complete without Ted Drewes... Matt is hoping to sneak a bite from his Aunties
Sleeping on mommy after a long day
My baby boy is 1 month old already!! We had his check-up while Jamie and Jacki were in town. Matt weighed in at 8lbs 14oz (22nd percentile) and was 20.25in tall (6th percentile). He is getting bigger for sure, just not any taller since his two week check-up. But what do you expect, Mommy and Daddy aren't very tall. Matt got a shot while we were there, he was very brave... only cried for a few seconds. (I think it hurt me more than him)
Matt and his Aunties after his shot
Just lying around
Me and my sisters
Chase's 4th Birthday
Chase turned 4 years old last weekend and we went over to celebrate. My sisters were in town and got to join in the fun with us.
Making a wish
It was a super hero party so here is Matt in his cape
My sisters and Matty
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Random Photos
Life in the Gardner house has definitely changed. Matt is doing well, we went to the doctor's about a week ago and he was 7lbs 15oz, he is growing. We introduced a bottle so that Daddy could help with some feedings and Matt did great, which Mommy loves because that means she can take a bit of a break. Sleeping at night has been an issue, but we are working on it. Picked up a book (Babywise) recommended by a friend and hoping to apply the techniques.
On a different note, despite that Matt decided to come early, I finished my Master's degree. I am officially done with the Character Education program and have my Master's from Lindenwood University. I am super excited to finally be done. School started today for my students, but I will not be returning until mid-October. Brian is back at work and things are in full swing at Maryville. Classes start next week and hockey started up too. Busy, busy. We are also looking forward to some Ohio visitors in the next few weeks, but for now enjoy the random photos.
Swinging the days away
Saturday, August 8, 2009
The Bright's Visit
Heather and David were lucky enough the be there on the day that Matt was born, however they left afterwards for a two week vacation to Colorado and then on their way back to Ohio stopped to see us. We had a great time with them, it was nice and relaxing.
Heather and David with baby Matty
Best Friends finally together again... Miss you already Heather
First two weeks of life
Matt is doing so well. He loves to eat and is gaining weight, at his first doctor's appointment he was already back to his birth weight. We see the doctor again on Monday for his 2 week check-up and I am sure that he is getting bigger.
Matt at Doctor Atteberry's office for his 1 week check-up
Tummy time... He is getting good at trying to lift his head
This was my surprise on Monday morning, they are from Brian's boss...thanking me for letting him come back to work, isn't that sweet.
Big yawn....
Mr. Worrier... Matt is for sure a deep thinker
Matt's First Photo Shoot
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