Monday, October 3, 2011

Our Little Guy

I can't believe how big our little guy is getting. He is becoming more and more verbal everyday. Some of his favorite sayings, "Love you Mama, see you later" (I get to hear this every morning), "Dada, play with you", "Dada, play hockey." He loves his Daddy and sometimes you can hear him say, "Bri, Bri, hi Bri". He loves french toast and fruit snacks and thinks he should be able to eat them whenever. He still loves hockey and it is amazing how well he sits for games, he enjoys going to the rink any chance he gets. Enjoy the random pictures from the past few weeks. 
Watching tv with his "guys"

 Helping me put ice in the drinks, he is learning to count while he does it. :)

 Wanting to go outside in his pj's and my shoes
 Matt helps me set the table for dinner, I put everything on the floor and he sets the table, he did a pretty good job and it is a high top so he can barely reach it.
 Our attempt at a family photo at a pre-season Blue's game

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