Last weekend, Brian and I flew home for my sister's graduation. We got to watch her walk across that big stage and get her diploma... later that night, I thought we were having a party for her. However after returning home from getting the pizza's (a plan to get me out of the house) I was surprised to find all my friends and family there for my 25th birthday. It was a great time, my mom planned the whole thing and my loving sister Jacki, shared the spot-light. It was great to see everyone, we had a wonderful time.
Missy and Jill (old friends from high school)

Heather and David drove up from Toledo too... it was such a great surprise

Jamie and Ken

Jacki opening her graduation gifts from us... the man next to her is her soon to be father-in-law, Tom (he reminds me of my father-in-law Kevin, such a funny man)

More gifts...

It was actually my grandpa's birthday too... we had lots to celebrate that night

Sisters and their boys

Brian, Me, Heather, and David

Jacki and Patrick at graduation