This past Saturday, Brian and I spent the day with Kevin and Nancy. It started with breakfast made by Nancy and ended with a birthday party. The weather here has been so nice. I love the fall and everything that it brings. During the day we decided to travel to Illinois to go apple picking.
I thought that this sign was funny.
Brian picking and eating the apples Kevin saw a perfect apple up in a tree, he was very excited to finally get it down Kevin and Nancy- playing Adam and Eve
For lunch we went to a place called Fast Eddie's. It is a sports bar and a crazy one at that. We got to watch some football though. If you look close enough you will see their menu on the wall, yes hamburgers are $0.99 and shrimp is $0.29 Kevin loves this place, and now I do too.
Brian and I outside of Fast Eddie's My crazy in-laws Later that night we all went to a fortieth birthday party for a friend of the family Me, Kevin, Sean (the bday boy), Nancy, and Brian
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