Saturday, February 26, 2011

Growing Each Day

19 months and a few days, I just can't believe it. Matt is talking all the time, practically a new word everyday. He knows most of his animal sounds and is all about any sort of ball. Tonight we ate at Friday's and he noticed the basketball game on and was very excited. "Let's Go Blues" and "hockey" are two phrases that we here all the time. Matt is also quite the helper around the house, the loves to empty the dishwasher, put clothes in the washer, and help me sweep. He is definitely my son.

Wearing Daddy's hat and shoes
Looking at pictures of Grandma and Grandpa
Matt and Aiden playing at the Magic House
Matt and Chase playing in the sandbox
Mr. Fix-it
Playing with play dough
Flowers from my husband for no reason
Matt loves his slide
Our handsome little guy
Eating yogurt all by himself

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