Holy cow, 10 months. I can't believe it. We finally have teeth... two on the bottom and almost one on the top. More are coming that is for sure, Matt drools all the time and you can tell he is in pain. Hopefully it will soon pass. Other than teeth, Matt is doing great. He is all over the place, he is crawling and cruising on all of my furniture. Matt can pull himself on everything and is very fast, it won't be long before he walks alone. His personality is really starting to shine through, he knows he is cute and is such a ham when we are out. He will randomly laugh at us and it is so cute when he scrunches his nose. Matt is doing very well with his sippy cup and solid foods, loves all fruit, cheese, and yogurt. Enjoy the pics of our little man on the move.
Playing with his "new" toys that Mommy got him from the baby sale


Love watching him sleep

Riding on his new toy... look at all that drool

Playing with his fridge farm while Mommy cooks dinner

One of his favorite places to play
Trying to see if he can crawl through

Matt walking with his new toy
Pushing his shopping cart