Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Baby Update
Lots of people have been asking, so I figured I would write a little update on the baby. All is going well, we saw the doctor about a week ago. The heart-beat is strong and things look good. I have been feeling a little better, but still very tired and feeling sick at times. However we are at the end of our first trimester so we are praying for things to get better in the next few weeks. We see the doctor in three weeks and then in March we will have another ultra-sound and hopefully find out the sex of the baby. Other than that everything is good. I will post some pictures soon.
Two in a row
Two snow days that is... we finally had our FIRST snow fall of the season. It has been a cold winter, but no snow. But I am not complaining, I don't like the snow... but I loved my two days off of work. Brian got one day off, and got to go in late today, but I think he was a little jealous of me at home.

Here's our good old snow moose... he says we got about 7 inches of snow!!!
It is pretty to look at though...
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Baby Gardner's First Offical Picture
Brian and I had our first ultra-sound earlier this week. We got to see baby Gardner and hear the heart beat. Everything is right on schedule and the baby is doing great. Our official due date is now August 8th. We are both very excited and are looking forward to the next couple of months. I didn't get a chance to scan the photo so I took a picture of it instead and this is as close as I could get. But you can make out the baby... I will try to scan a better one later.
Baby Gardner
Sunday, January 4, 2009
New Year's Eve in Toledo
After Niagara Falls, Brian and I drove to Toledo to spend New Year's Eve with some of my old college friends. We had a great time, however after a week of traveling all over Ohio we were both ready to get back to St. Louis.
The boys playing Settlers (not really sure how to play, but it was a long game)
Niagara Falls
Brian and I drove up to Niagara Falls for our 2nd year Anniversary. It was really cold and snowy but we enjoyed it. We even got to eat dinner on the top of the skyline tower, which is a revolving restaurant. It was such a pretty view.
Family Christmas in Ohio
Later that night it was time to continue to share our good news. First with Grandma Soeder, however she did not catch on right away, Aunt Mimi had to help her. But she was excited.

Once Grandma Grootegoed got it, she was shocked. I just love her face!!
Christmas in Ohio
Brian and I flew to Ohio the day after Christmas to celebrate the holiday with my family. Saturday morning we had Christmas in the Soeder house. Then all of the extended family came over later that night.
Brian and me opening our stockings
Christmas Day with the Gardner's
Brian got an autographed Keith Tkachuk jersey from Santa...and he was excited to model it.
Kevin and Nancy on Christmas morning
Timmy, Marissa, and Gary
Christmas Day at Nana and Papa's
Christmas Eve at the Gardner's
Christmas Eve at Brian's parent's house started our holiday extravaganza. The pictures below tell our surprise.
Nancy's face is my favorite
Nana got a little teary-eyed
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