Thursday, May 15, 2008

New Job for Jeni

Things here are going well. Brian and I went the Cardinals game last night, we got tickets from a friend last minute and it was great. They finally won while we were there. Work is good, I only have two weeks left until summer vacation and boy am I ready. Next year though I am moving to the middle school to teach math. I am not leaving the Lindbergh district just switching schools. I am really excited about this, I will miss my students and the math department at the high school but I am looking forward to the new school year. I will be either teaching 7th or 8th grade they are not sure yet, either way I am very excited. Below is a picture of my new school, which is actually even closer to our house and gets out about a half and hour earlier.

Sperreng Middle School


Laura S Scott said...

Oh how fun..Jr. High Math..hopefully you get some beginning algebra...MY FAVORITE! Good news Jeni. And I'm glad you finally got to see the Cards pull one off! Any trips to Ohio over summer break? A girls weekend would be REALLY fun if you are planning on coming up!

Katie said...

Congrats on your junior high job! I think that would be a great age to teach! I'm interested to see if Dan gets a HS or JH position also! Thanks for the comment on my blog. Miss you too!