Matt had his 15 month check up this week and boy is he growing. He is up to 26 pounds (75th percentile) and 31 inches (87th percentile), he is not a tiny guy anymore. He is also currently getting his molars plus about two more teeth on the bottom and a few on the top, so he is always covered in drool and has been having trouble sleeping lately. Hopefully it all passes soon, mommy and daddy need some sleep.
However teething hasn't stopped our little guy, he is always on the move. He loves being outside and always wants to play "hock" (hockey) in the basement. He is very curious and is such a little ham, he knows how to get us to laugh. About mid October he started daycare, and he loves it. They play outside twice a day and go on buggy rides and Miss Sarah (his teacher) says he is such a happy guy. After a few weeks of going, he now runs right in and goes straight to Miss Sarah.
Helping rake the leaves

Playing in his pile About mid October I went to 6th grade camp with my students for a week, we left Monday morning and got back Friday afternoon. Brian was also out of town, so my parents flew in and stayed with Matt for a week. They loved every minute of it. On Wednesday they came to visit me at camp, it was great to see my little man. (I missed him so much)
At camp they let us put him on a horse, he had a great timeRiding the horse

My new project in Matt's room, I made a family and friends picture wall. He loves it, we talk about the people in the pictures every night and he points them out and then blows them kisses.