The story begins in the middle of the night on Wednesday. I woke-up about 2:30am to my water starting to break. Brian told me to try and go back to sleep, but I couldn't. Soon we both ended up out in the family room watching tv and then about an hour later decided that we should head to the hospital. We showered, packed our bags, got some breakfast, and headed to the hospital.
Last belly shot on our way to the hospital (38 weeks)

Typical picture of me... this is before the contractions started to hurt

Brian resting up for the fun about to come

Me and my hubby

The day at the hospital was a long one, but I had the company of lots of friends and family. Heather and David were even able to there all the way from Ohio.

Nancy, Me, and My mom (we flew her in that morning and she spent the day with me)

After 19 hours of no progress, I only dilated to 3cm, the doctor's decided to do a C-section. A few minutes on the operating table and at 10:07pm on Thursday July 23rd,
Matthew Kevin Gardner
entered the world. He weighed 6lbs 12oz and was 19 inches long.
Daddy with Matt getting all cleaned up

Our First Family Photo